Най-сетне прочетох и тази книга. Имам я от близо 8 месеца, през които тя ме гледа от рафта и ми напомня, че още не съм я прочела. Но ето и това стана и определено съм много доволна, че го направих.
Всички, които са чели Рейнбоу Роуъл казват, че нейните книги са просто уникални. Трябваше да проверя до каква степен това твърдение е вярно. И да, вярно е !!!
Нека започна с това, че до сега не съм чела нищо за близначки. Бях много развълнувана от това, че историята е за момичета близначки и то еднояйчно.
Друго специално внимание, което искам да обърна е на фенфикшъните. Основата на историята е в тях. Главната ни героиня Кат е обсебена от романите за Саймън Сноу, който в последствие разбрах, че е еквивалент на Хари Потър. Сноу също е магьосник и учи в специално училище, но останалите герои малко се разминават с тези от Хари Потър. Но това е без значение, защото авторката си е изградила нейни истории. Хубавото на тази книга е, че се докосваш до две истории. Освен главната история за Кат можеш да разбереш много и за историята на Саймън Сноу.
Като човек, който е писал фенфикшън (не се гордея с това), мога да кажа, че книгата много добре представя типичният живот на един автор на такава история. В началото си мислиш, че е забавно и, че го правиш за развлечение, но с времето се превръща в задължение и всички те притискат да довършиш историята. Нашата героиня, Кат, сама притиска себе си с крайни срокове и тотално изпада в света на Саймън Сноу. В края на книгата, смятам, че тя е преодоляла тази своя мания и е излязла в реалният свят.
Голям принос за преодоляването на Саймън Сноу треската има Леви. Ахх, Леви, той е просто прекрасен. Бих казала един от любимите ми герои. Той е страшно мили и добър и постоянно усмихнат. Има моменти, в които искаш да го убиеш, но след това той прави нещо ужасно сладко и просто искаш да го разцелуваш ( няма да издавам спойлери).
Единственият недостатък на книгата, за мен беше финалът. Има още толкова неща, които искам да разбера за героите, но авторката прекратява романа в момент, в който дори не го очакваш.
Прочетох книгата на английски и се почувствах много доволна от себе си, тъй като нямах почти никакви проблеми с четенето. За тези, които не се чувстват толкова смели да прочетат книгата на английски, съм сигурна, че издателство "Егмонт" ще преведе книгата, а премиерната дата е 21 ноември. Ако искате все пак да прочете нещо на Рейнбоу Роуъл още сега, което да е вече преведено препоръчвам "Елинор и Парк", не съм я чела, но ако всички хубави неща, за книгата са верни както тези за "Фенгърл", то задължително я прочетете.
I finally read this book. I've had it for about 8 months during which it was looking at me from the shelf and reminded me that I still haven't read it. But it happened and I'm really happy from the fact I did it.
Everyone who has read Rainbow Rowell said that her books were amazing. I should check to what extent this statement is true. And yes, it's true !!!
Let me start with this that I have never read something about twins. I was really excited by the fact that the story is about twin girls and identical twins to be more specific.
Special attention, I want to pay to the fanfiction side of the book. They are in the base of the story. The main character, Cath, is obsessed with the Simon Snow series, which eventually turned to be equivalent of Harry Potter series. Snow as Potter is wizard and he is studying in a special school, but the other charectars are not like the one in the Harry Potter series. But this doesn't matter, because the author made her own world. The good thing about that book is that you can feel two stories. In addition to the main story about Cath, you can read a lot about the Simon Snow story.
As a person, who have written fanfiction ( I'm not proud of that fact) , I can say that the book shows really well a typical day in a life of a fanfiction author. In the beginning, you think it will be fun and you will do it just for entertainment, but with the time it become a duty and everyone is pushing you to finish the story. Our character, Cath, puts herself deadlines and is fully into Simon Snow's world. In the end of the book, I think, she overcome her mania and become part of the real world.
A big contribution to overcome the Simon Snow fever has Levi. Ahh, Levi, he is just wonderful. I would say one of my favourite characters. He is really nice and sweet and he is always smiling. There were moments when you want to kill him but then he did something really kind and you just want to kiss him (I won't give spoilers).
The only disadvantage of the book, for me was the ending. There are so many other things that I want to know, but the author ended the book in moment that you aren't even expected.
I read the book in English and I feel so proud of me, because I have really little trouble with reading. For those who aren't feeling brave enough to read the book in English, I'm sure Egmont Bulgaria is going to translate the book and the date of publishing is 21 November. But if you want to read something by Rainbow Rowell now, I recommend "Eleanor and Park". I haven't read it, but if all good things that people are saying are true how they were true about "Fangirl", you should read it.
Everyone who has read Rainbow Rowell said that her books were amazing. I should check to what extent this statement is true. And yes, it's true !!!
Special attention, I want to pay to the fanfiction side of the book. They are in the base of the story. The main character, Cath, is obsessed with the Simon Snow series, which eventually turned to be equivalent of Harry Potter series. Snow as Potter is wizard and he is studying in a special school, but the other charectars are not like the one in the Harry Potter series. But this doesn't matter, because the author made her own world. The good thing about that book is that you can feel two stories. In addition to the main story about Cath, you can read a lot about the Simon Snow story.
As a person, who have written fanfiction ( I'm not proud of that fact) , I can say that the book shows really well a typical day in a life of a fanfiction author. In the beginning, you think it will be fun and you will do it just for entertainment, but with the time it become a duty and everyone is pushing you to finish the story. Our character, Cath, puts herself deadlines and is fully into Simon Snow's world. In the end of the book, I think, she overcome her mania and become part of the real world.
A big contribution to overcome the Simon Snow fever has Levi. Ahh, Levi, he is just wonderful. I would say one of my favourite characters. He is really nice and sweet and he is always smiling. There were moments when you want to kill him but then he did something really kind and you just want to kiss him (I won't give spoilers).
I read the book in English and I feel so proud of me, because I have really little trouble with reading. For those who aren't feeling brave enough to read the book in English, I'm sure Egmont Bulgaria is going to translate the book and the date of publishing is 21 November. But if you want to read something by Rainbow Rowell now, I recommend "Eleanor and Park". I haven't read it, but if all good things that people are saying are true how they were true about "Fangirl", you should read it.
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