Тази книга тотално ми разбърка съзнанието ми. Краят е повече от неочакван и трагичен. Не бих искала да развалям на никой четенето на романа, затова ще си спестя всякаква информация, която може да мине за спойлер.
Историята се върти около една богата американска фамилия. Те притежават частен остров и всяко лято фамилията го прекарва там. Повече не ви трябва да знаете, освен безгрижно лято пълно с копнежи, мечти, любов и пари.
Книгата е изключително леко четиво и е перфектно за лятото. Корицата ми се стори объркваща в началото, но в процеса на четене напълно разбрах посланието и и я намирам за много оригинална.
Определено всички персонажи в книгата са пълни с живот и неповторимост, но определено едно момче с индийски произход на име Гат ми взе душата. Намирам, много прилики между него и мен и го чувствам, някак си като сродна душа.
Нека отбележа и нещо за стила на писане на Локхарт. Има доста интересни детайли, които не бих очаквала от съвременна авторка (няма да казвам нищо, конкретно, сами ще си го откриете).
Моменти от книгата ми напомняха на повестта "Гераците" на родния творец Елин Пелин. Семейните скандали за пари и богатства са в основата и на двете истории.
За финал, бих казала, че съм със смесени чувства към тази книга. Чувствам се някак изиграна с този финал, който тотално ме разби, но като цяло книгата е интересно четиво.
This book really messed with my brain. The ending was more than unexpecting and tragic. I don't want to ruin anybody's reading, so I will try to not give any spoilers.
The story is about a rich American family. They have a privite island and every summer they spend it there. You don't need anything else, except careless summer filled with yearnings, dreams, love and money.
The book is really light read and it's perfect for the summer.The book cover was a little bit confusing in the beginning but while reading the book I understood the message and I find it really original.
All characters in the book are full of life and uniqueness, but one guy with Indian background named Gat took my soul. I found a lot of similarities between he and me, and I feel him like my soul mate.
Let me say something about Lockhart's writing style. There are some really interesting details, which I didn't expect from contemporary author (I won't say more, you will find it by yourself).
Moments from the book remind me of "Geracite" by the Bulgarian author Elin Pelin. The family problems about money and fortune are in the basis of both stories.
For the final, I would say that I have mixed feelings for this book. I feel played with the final of the book, which totally blew my mind.But overall the book is really interesting read.
The story is about a rich American family. They have a privite island and every summer they spend it there. You don't need anything else, except careless summer filled with yearnings, dreams, love and money.
The book is really light read and it's perfect for the summer.The book cover was a little bit confusing in the beginning but while reading the book I understood the message and I find it really original.
All characters in the book are full of life and uniqueness, but one guy with Indian background named Gat took my soul. I found a lot of similarities between he and me, and I feel him like my soul mate.
Let me say something about Lockhart's writing style. There are some really interesting details, which I didn't expect from contemporary author (I won't say more, you will find it by yourself).
Moments from the book remind me of "Geracite" by the Bulgarian author Elin Pelin. The family problems about money and fortune are in the basis of both stories.
For the final, I would say that I have mixed feelings for this book. I feel played with the final of the book, which totally blew my mind.But overall the book is really interesting read.
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